Positions available at the
International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) Mathematical
Physics Sector – Area: Mathematics
Open research position
(deadline: September 3, 2012)
There is a general
announcement for four research positions (roughly equivalent to
postdoc), of which one is open at our sector
Research topic: Integrable
Systems, Random Matrices and Applications
Responsible Scientist: Boris
Selection procedure: academic
Members of the Research Group:
Proff. Boris Dubrovin, Tamara Grava, dott. Davide Guzzetti
Requirements: University Degree
in Mathematics; -Proven experience in Integrable Systems; The
possession of PhD in Mathematics will be considered as an asset.
Duration of the research project:
5 years, from 01.01.2009 to 31.12.2013
Duration: 1 year, renewable for
further 12 months
Gross salary per year: Euro
Open research position
(deadline: April 23, 2012)
There is a general
announcement for eight research positions (roughly equivalent to
postdoc), of which one is open at our sector
Research topic: Integrable
Systems and Applications
Responsible Scientist: Boris
Selection procedure: academic
Members of the Research Group:
Proff. Boris Dubrovin, Tamara Grava, dott. Davide Guzzetti
Requirements: University Degree
in Mathematics; -Proven experience in Integrable Systems; The
possession of PhD in Mathematics will be considered as an asset.
Duration of the research project:
5 years, from 01.01.2009 to 31.12.2013
Duration: 1 year, renewable for
further 12 months
Gross salary per year: Euro
Two open research
position (deadline: June 30, 2011)
There is a general
announcement for nine research positions (roughly equivalent to
postdoc), two of which are open at our sector
There is an announcement
for two research positions (roughly equivalent to postdoc) open at
our sector
The fixed term position will be funded through the
European Research Council Advanced Grant FroM-PDE (Frobenius
Manifolds and Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations
http://frompde.sissa.it/). We seek experts in one or more of the
following fields: integrable systems and Frobenius manifolds;
Hamiltonian partial differential equations; Riemann-Hilbert boundary
value problems and Deift-Zhou steepest descent method; monodromy
preserving deformations of linear differential equations with
rational coefficients and Painlevé equations; numerical methods for
treating PDEs with highly oscillatory solutions and special
solutions to Painlevé equations.
Three year post-doc
fellowship starting in September 2009
Job Description
The post-doc position will be funded through the
European Research Council Advanced Grant FroM-PDE (Frobenius
Manifolds and Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations). We seek
experts in the following fields: numerical methods for treating PDEs
with highly oscillatory solutions and special solutions to Painlevé
equations. Experience in Matlab and C++ is welcome.
We offer a thriving interactive research atmosphere
along with the possibility for independent and creative research at
the interface between geometry, mathematical physics and scientific
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae,
including a list of publications, a research statement addressing
both past work and future plans and three recommendation letters to
Prof. Boris Dubrovin: mailto:jobfm@sissa.it. Application forms will
be available soon on the SISSA web page
Applications should be received by March 16, 2009.